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Peace Like A River

Date Submitted: 06/11/2004 05:05:57
Category: / Literature
Length: 2 pages (627 words)
The Faith of Jeremiah Land "Peace Like A River", by Leif Enger, deals with numerous instances involving Jeremiah's faith for his family. Without Jeremiah's faith, the Land family would have never made it through their trials and misfortunes. To furnish the well being of his family and find his son, Davy, Jeremiah Land followed his instincts and faith. Letting God lead the way, Jeremiah is able to guide his family through his faith, hard work, …
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…same reason. This act of faith kept the family from leaving, but also made it possible for Reuben to find his brother Davy. Jeremiah was a great father and honest individual. His faith and determination led him and his family to find the two missing puzzle pieces in there lives, Davy and Roxanna. Because of his faith, hard work, and love they were able to safely find what they had been looking for, a family.
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