
At our blog you will find helpful writing and study tips as well as student career and life advice. Enjoy your student life!
Paper-Research Team

Effective Habits To Make Your Academic Year Successful

As of September, or whenever students return from a long vacation, they always wonder about the new academic year! And, truth is, at first, they are not always the most motivated ones to meet the famous new year’s resolutions, the good will end up fading as time goes by!

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Categories: Advice for Students   Tags: , , , , ,

Considering LinkedIn To Land A Job

Besides the basic use to create a corporate profile where to show the main information of an organization and employees who work in it, Linkedin provides businesses other applications and facilities to achieve increase or improve liaison with industry professionals.

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Categories: Career Preparation   Tags: , , , , ,

How To Spend Your Summer Vacation Effectively

“I’m too fat, badly dressed; my semester at school was awful, I´m getting paid very badly …” Enough! This summer you should stop complaining! Above all, you should change your patterns. Below, you will find some interesting tips. Let’s be reasonable and get going to work on the favorite aspects:

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Categories: Advice for Students   Tags: , , , ,

How to Study Efficiently With Facebook and Twitter

Researching for an essay, research paper, or even a dissertation has become much easier today than it was just a few years ago. With the advent of mediums like Twitter and Facebook, getting information, validating it, discussing opinions and even putting together data that can help you arrive at essential insights has become extremely easy. 

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Categories: Advice for Students   Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Ivy League Colleges VS Top 20 B Schools All Over The World

What makes a business school good? The answer to this question is known to all but what makes a business school the best? Judgment on this varies from critic to critic but one thing remains above all else, the top 20 B schools of the world do not change their position too much.

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Categories: Career Preparation   Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

How to Celebrate an Independence Day for a Student

How we loved all sorts of holidays when we were kids! However, as we grow older, everything changes. Yet, when it comes to an Independence Day, everyone understands the importance. While some prefer to go out and drink, others stay at home with family and friends. If you want to feel great, here are some tips to enjoy the holidays, no matter what the circumstances are.

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Categories: College Fun   Tags: , , , , ,

Not Facebook: Social Networking in College

Believe it or not, social networking is not something new, and in fact, it is not something that started with the advent of social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace or the host of others that are available. Social networking has been a phenomenon that has existed since people have had the ability to interact with each other – this means it has been around forever.

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Categories: Student Life   Tags: , , , , , ,