Writing a thesis can be a nightmare, and a lot of the time, the hesitation comes from the amount of research that is required in order to ensure that the content is powerful and serves its specific purpose. However, the reality is that while the research and analysis component is critical and will form the bulk of what needs to be produced for the purposes of a dissertation, the ability to write the thesis well is also critical.
If the thesis is too dry or boring, or the content is not systematically arranged and analyzed, then there is a risk that all the work done to date may be wasted. There are some important tips that can be used for the purpose of enhancing the thesis essay.
1. Firstly, always ensure that your sequence of discussion is arranged properly. The introduction to your thesis will determine its readability and as such, it is important that you are able to grab the reader’s attention. Try to avoid writing the thesis essay in high school essay format, as this will not serve the purpose.
2. Your introduction has to be strong and lay out what you intend to prove in the context of your thesis statement. There are a variety of ways that this can be done. In the beginning, it may be useful to start either with a bold statement or a question, or even an interesting quote that may directly or indirectly refer to the topic at hand.
3. You will also have to get your reader involved in what you have to say. This can be done by challenging the reader to move away from what is traditionally accepted as a perspective on your topic or by suggesting to the reader that the current perspective is wrong or needs to be modified and that you intend to prove this through your research and thesis content. By challenging the reader, you make it personal to him or her.
5. Contrary to popular belief, you need not hide your personality when you write your thesis. In fact, in many cases, the quality of a thesis is defined by how committed the author is to the content that is being written. You can also introduce elements of honesty and even humor into your content that helps the reader identify who you are in the context of the thesis and this will also show how you think.
6. Often when writing a thesis, there is a tendency to list data after data in order to prove or disprove the thesis statement. This will make going through the thesis extremely boring. You should distribute your data into bite-sized discussions and take the time to analyze the bits of data that you have written. There is no need to prove that you are an intellectual by being boring. The objective is to ensure that your thesis content is readable and easily understandable. And, you must not be afraid to have an opinion about the content.
7. In terms of visual presentation, although you can be constrained by the specific format requirements that are stipulated, do take the time to layout the thesis in a presentable format that is visually pleasing. You will be surprised at how this can positively impact on your thesis marks. Always ensure that the headings and sub-headings are well marked out, and that the paragraphs are not too long or wordy. And of course, never forget to spell check!
Have you written an essay for your thesis? What tips and tricks did you use to help you write it in a more interesting manner? Did you find it difficult to do this? Go ahead and share your both positive as well as negative experience, and even tips on how to do this.